Thursday 21 November 2013

How to Become Famous on Internet?

become famous on internetIn the world that we live in, anyone can use Internet as a source of getting fame and recognition. Sadly, not many people in Pakistan and other low in technology countries know about it.

Almost all of us know how to operate a computer or how to build an account on social network. But we mainly use this social network as a thing for pleasure. But, if we want we can all become famous on internet.

Climbing stairs to success

There are many examples in front of us including those of Lifehacker, GigaOm, Gizmodo and the list is endless. They started building themselves as influential personalities through internet and are now having a relaxed and successful life and career.

There is no shortcut when it comes to getting fame, recognition or success. One has to cross all obstacles and has to climb all the stairs to achieve success. But there are some jackpots that help us and boost our speed in crossing those obstacles and climbing those stairs. Below is a list of these few jackpots that help you become famous on internet.

Building Your Niche:

What is a ‘Niche’?

Niche is anything that has a specific meaning in commerce and can be categorized in to a category as a sole word. For example, your niche can be plumbing, if you are a plumber or it can be military if you are from the military or it can be education or professional education whatever one prefers. A good idea is to start producing material related to your job or whatever you do in real life. If you are a marriage photographer you can start your online niche by producing tutorials about how you do marriage photography. When you start doing this, after some time people will start to recognize you. Moreover, if you are one of the lucky folks, you may also earn money from it, but that is totally another story.

Remember, Niche can be a broad topic and can be a narrow topic too. It depends on the person, his interests and how much he can cover in his online world.

Now, as you have understood the meaning of a Niche you need to build it online.

Build your own Niche

How Can You Build a Niche?

You can build a niche by producing content related to your specialized niche. Content is anything that can relate to Audio, Text or Video. You can produce content like an ‘article related to journalism’, ‘video on plumbing’ or ‘fixing a leaking tap’, or it can be audio like ‘a song of Justin Beiber in your voice’.

"Content is not the king, You are"

Where to put all this Content?

A thought that comes to mind is, how a regular person who has no idea about Internet can utilize it to make Himself famous? This list will help you select an online place where you can put all your content.

Blogging Services for Writers/Photographers/Designers:

Content Lifecycle / Document Lifecycle

Blogging is a web log where people put their ideas, thoughts, thesis, research papers, announcements, news stories and all content that can come to your mind.

You can avail blogging service by Word press or Blogger as these two are free services. Moreover, they can easily be understood and you will be posting material on your own blog in no time.

YouTube, Daily Motion, Vimeo Channel for Videos:

YouTube, Daily Motion, Vimeo are some video hosting websites where a video blogger can host his videos. These videos not only help people to learn new stuff but also entertain them. Many gymnastics instructor, teachers and hardware operators have their own YouTube channels instead of blogs where they upload their video content.

Social Media:

Your Niche can help you a lot but for marketing it you need help of social media platforms. As getting recognition on internet is a little complex process. You need to rank higher on social media and in turn you will start to rank higher on the search engine results.


To give boost to your particular niche, you can also start writing e-books and can upload them online. These eBooks not only build your reputation but make you a professional in your field = niche.

Slide Share:

Slide Share is another social platform where people can upload and share their presentations. Those people who make slides more often on a particular topic, they can share those slides on slide share. Students, professionals and enthusiasts often browse these slides to get knowledge related to a topic. Slide share is another good place that can make you famous on Social Media as well as on Slide share itself.

Sound Cloud:

If you do not have video, text or presentation content but only are interested in audio. You can build your account on Sound Cloud where people from around the world share their audios, songs in their voices, audio eBooks or audio eBook translations done by them. Most of these get a lot of visitors and a rule of thumb on internet is ‘the more visitors you get, the more visible you will be’.

Do you see how easy it is to become famous on internet? Why don’t you start your planning your niche today and start employing these services for your benefit rather than your pleasure?

Internet is a place where people ‘Give and take’. By giving, you not only are doing welfare of the society but you also are making yourself prominent in commercial world. As a wise man said, ‘Becoming prominent is the first ladder towards success.’

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