Friday 29 November 2013

Taste the Power of Social Media

Power of Social MediaWe all use Social media because it has become unavoidable in the recent years. However not many of us have actually seen the power of social media in real time. Recently I attended a session on blogging and social media which was organized by CIPE and the host of the session was Hammad Siddiqi, a pretty famous blogger.

As usual, I reached late and the event had already kicked in. When I made myself comfortable the host of the event was talking about something related to micro blogging and social media. In simple terms, he was informing us about the uses of twitter.

I also have an account but have posted a mere of 500 tweets in the three year period using twitter; you can also say I am inactive on that social media platform. Most of the tweets I published were because of one of our Professor’s pressure.

How #socialmediaKHI became Top trend on twitter in 50 minutes?

So, back to the session, host told us to write comments with a ‘#’ hashtag. The #hashtag was #socialmediaKHI. If you are from Karachi and an avid twitter user you might have seen this hash tag trending on twitter on Nov 04.

We were a class of 25 students and out of these 25 students three were absent. So, that brings us to a total of 22 students with laptops and smart phones. Now can you imagine the power of social media that a bunch of students sitting at one place can unleash? Well, if not you should start imagining… because we 22 students tweeted around 300 posts in less than half an hour in Pakistan and brought the #socialmediaKHI tag to trend on number two in twitter.

It was a matter of time before other Pakistani’s caught the trend and in less than 20 minutes #socialmediaKHI was trending on number one in Pakistan.

This whole experiment was conducted in the session to tell us about the power of social media and how it can be bended for personal gains. Though, in this experiment no personal gains were involved. Nonetheless by the experiment conducted by us on Nov 04 you can easily comprehend the power of social media that made masses to gather in Egypt, Tunisia and Libya to bring a revolution.

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