Wednesday 11 December 2013

Few Benefits of Working in Mass Media

perks of working in mass mediaLike all organizations, working in Mass Media Organization has its own rewards. You get a reputable status in society and get to know the information that ordinary public never knows.  Apart from that, you enjoy few other benefits.

Traffic Police does not Bug You:

If you live in Pakistan than you would know what I am talking about. After every few days, pillion riding gets a short-term ban. Alternatively, Children and Elderly are exempted from this ban. However, for those working in mass media, pillion riding is never a problem. Just show your PRESS card to the traffic police constable and you are free to go.

Friends Appreciate Your Job:

Friends appreciate a few jobs including in institutes like Military, Police and Government jobs. Nevertheless, as fourth pillar of the state the job of working in mass media is considered of high esteem. Not only friends appreciate you but also they remember you when they have a news story they want to make public or they are stuck with a police constable.

Family thinks you are a Reporter, Even if you are not:

A mass media organization is bigger than we assume. There are different departments that have different roles. Almost all people working in mass media are associated with one of those departments. However, for the family, even if you are in the publishing department, you will always remain a reporter or an editor.

You Can Make Connections Smoothly:

A benefit of working in mass media organization is that you get to meet new people every day. It is 100% true for reporters but even if you are an intern, you get to make connections with different people smoothly.

Getting Publish in Newspaper is Duck Soup:

You know how to write and you have some information to share that meets the news values than getting publish while working in mass media organization is easy.

You are Familiar with In-depth stories:

Last but not the least, while working in mass media organization, you get to know the information that ordinary public never knows. Like that of a fight between two anchorpersons in your organization and one is admitted in hospital.

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