Saturday 4 January 2014

What E-learn Punjab Initiative is missing?

e-learn punjabIn front of me are two websites aligned side by side on the desktop of my dual core computer. Both the websites are about education. One website is international and is named Khan Academy and the second one is a newly launched initiative by Punjab Information technology Board and features books, interactive material and more from textbooks of 9th and 10th classes.

I love both the websites. I love Khan Academy because it has lots of information on almost all type of subjects. The best part about this website is that it provides all the information in a very interactive manner. The website has changed a lot from its beginning.

However, I love E-learn Punjab Website too. As it is one of the first initiatives by the government of Pakistan regarding digital education. The website is in its beginning stage and includes some glitches that I will answer soon, in coding as well as the user interface.

User interface of E-learn Punjab program is a mess:

E-learn Punjab website has a clean interface. However, like most other government websites the web developer has not paid much attention to the style sheets he has been using. The text is not aligned properly and most of the text in div boxes is getting on top of each other. Do not know about you but this is happening in the latest Chrome browser.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"]text not aligned-e-learn punjab Text on top of each other.[/caption]

The JavaScript used is not clickable. I do not know if it is made purposely like this or the developer forgot to add anchor on images in the JavaScript’s he used.

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="500"]anchor-e-learn punjab No anchor link on images.[/caption]

A good step is that the website is made keeping in mind the technology of the future. This means they have not forgotten to use the bootstrap and responsive style sheets.

Low Quality, Not Suitable for Youth:

The website has very little interactivity in it. Instead of using CSS3 for the interactive purpose, the government has hired a flash designer for the website coding. In simple English, we can say that the student will find it hard to study or even to understand basic experiments by using the flash system.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"]flash used-e-learn-punjab Flash and the Flashy colors![/caption]

A good logic that could have been implemented in the system was to use CSS3 for all the effects and drawings. The loading time would have then reduced drastically and it would have then increased the interactivity of the website for the student for whom the government has taken the initiative.

The Plus Points of E-Learn Punjab:

Well, not all is bad about the website. Moreover, the E-learn Punjab website has a tab called ‘contribute’ there you can provide all the suggestions that you deem are necessary for making the website better.

E-learn Punjab website is launched recently but still it is ranking a lot higher. Must be because it is an initiative by the government and google knows that. The website currently ranks 261 in Pakistan.

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