Monday 24 February 2014

NISP 2013 recalls terror attacks in Pakistan

A National Internal Security Policy (2013-2015) that will be presented to the cabinet in the next few days states that, more people are killed in the last two years than the last decade combined, reported on Sunday.

The national internal security policy is the guiding principle of internal security of Pakistan. It is a five-year policy plan that is renewed after every five year. A sneak peak on the policy document of 2013-2018 tells us that in 2011-2013 more people are killed in terror strikes in Pakistan as compared to the people killed during 2001-2010.

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Also, a prominent fact as per the data released by the US National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses for Terrorism (Start) is that, Pakistan an allied partner of US received more terror attacks than Iraq or Afghanistan (where US and Nato forces had waged a full-scale war in the previous decade).

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NISP report emphasizes that KPK, Balochistan, Fata and Sindh were affected the most by the terror attacks that occurred in 2012.

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In Pakistan, during Musharraf era and the initial period of US-Iraq and US-Afghan war 2001-2007 only 15 suicide attacks occurred in the country that killed 528 people. While in-between 2007-2013 November more than 300 attacks have occurred that have killed more than 13,000 people.

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