Saturday 22 March 2014

Pakistan Airforce base renamed to 'PAF Base MM Alam'

Prime Minister of Pakistan renames PAF base Mianwali to PAF Base MM ALAM on his visit to the base on Thursday, reported Express Tribune.

According to Tribune, Prime minister renamed the PAF base to give homage to Air Commodore Muhammad Mehmood Alam. ‘Air commodore MM ALam is a pride of the Pakistan air force’ he said.

In Indo Pak war, MM ALam shot down four Indian airplanes in less than 30 seconds and seven airplanes in his air-to-air battle making a world record that no one has broken until now. He was awarded Sitara i Jurrat for his outrageous effort and courage.

Sadly, MM Alam left this world on 21 March 2013.

Source: Tribune

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