Wednesday, 9 April 2014

Iran sets first priority as 'Defense'

In the wake of threats received from Israel and USA, Iran has given top priority to improving its water, ground and air defense by conducting drills with neighboring countries.

In the drill carried out in territorial waters Iranian Navy comprised of Alvand Destroyer, Shamshir warship and Bushehr logistic vessel equipped with AB212 helicopter and Safir 3 tugboat reports a story on Fars News.

According to a news story, Iran missile launcher warship is perceived fully capable of fulfilling its mission as per the result of military drills between Oman and Iran’s military says an official on Wednesday.

Shamshir, a missile launcher warship is capable of firing at mid and long range, surface-to-surface missiles says the Deputy Commander of Navy Shahram Irani.

He further added that the missile launcher warship is equipped with state of the art artillery including a 76 caliber cannon and enhanced superior qualities.

Moreover, in a meeting between Chief military heads of Iran Brig Gen Mostafa Salami and Oman Maj Gen Ahmed bin Hares Al Nabhani the significance of Sea of Oman and Strait of Hormuz was discussed.

The Deputy Gen of Iran with a military delegation is in Masqat to attend Iran Oman military friendship committee session.

Previously Iran conducted military drills with Pakistan on the Strait of Hormuz.

Air and Ground Defense

To improve the ground and air defense Iran has domestically produced a Mirage fighter jet simulator that is capable of training the pilots in different weather conditions and Fateh 12 a realtime firing simulation for light arms reports Tasnim News.

Fateh 12 provides a real time scenario for light weaponry including AK 47, G3 rifle and RPGs.

Both the systems are developed by Iran air force and Ministry of defense.

Mirage simulator will be used to cut the cost of training pilots while improving safety standards in Iran air force.


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