Wrong, it was never about show off. It was meant as a military tactic that can be used to secure oneself from enemies and evade them at greater speed.
However, due to in-observant characteristics of these people many people have lost their lives.
Check out few people who died and made their death news made it to the web.
Russian girl died practicing Parkour
This was her first day of Parkour and apparently her last day of the world. She skipped the next floor and landed 17 floors below on her back. You know the rest.
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Lesson: Do not be a maniac watch what you can achieve.
Parkour expert loses life doing inane stunt
Pavel Kashin was a Parkour trainer and had been practicing Parkour for around 12 years. This day due to wrong direction of the wind, he lost his life.
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His family later regretted it in an interview.
Lesson: Don’t try to over smart gravity
China traceur jumps to death
Like others, this traceur was also an enthusiast who thought he has seen it so he can do it. NO! and he lost it.
The guy jumped from 150 meter into a river and disappeared.
Later neighbors mourned the death and wished they had stopped him.
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Lesson: Always think before you act
Do not be a dork and distinguish between what is possible and what is not.
Now, what these people after dying showed us? Parkour is not about doing inane stunts it is about surviving and thriving in the world. Ever heard the quote: Parkour is life – live it.
[…] Parkour is a French term and a survival discipline that has its roots in France. The concept was made during World War 1 by George Hebert to escape from enemies in the quickest way possible. […]