Monday 4 November 2013

'Flat Design' is the New Era of Technology

Flat DesignIn the last few decades every electronic item produced, was of round or circular shape. As an example, take your old computer system or the mobile phone you bought for 100’s of dollars. All the gadgets in that era of technology had a tendency of rounded corners or curved shapes in their designs.

But that has changed by folds because of the new Era of technology.  After Microsoft launched its new windows system it also changed its logo design to match the new flagship system.

Let’s have a look at the new logo design of Microsoft and why it had to change the logo design?

Microsoft makes its logo ‘Flat’:

Microsoft Windows 8 is compatible with both the desktop computers and touch screens. The new logo is made keeping in mind the new touch system design that would not have worked with the old windows system. Also the new system is designed specifically keeping in mind the tablet race that is soon to begin. Old window design and its logo will not have worked with such a high tech design.

Google Copies and does the same ‘Flat’ thingy:

After watching the success of the Microsoft Windows logo design, Google also changed its logo design. The logo design is not changed much except the gradients and curls are removed. The new ‘flat’ Google logo design works like a charm on the Google search engine. It also looks more professional and has gained extra attraction than the previous logo design. The logo also gives out a message to other designers that the future of custom logos is hidden in flat logo designs.

Yahoo Jumps in & the War Initiates:

Marissa Meyers, old employee of Google, and current Yahoo CEO came up with the strategy to reestablish its presence on the web. She took the first step by redesigning Yahoo logo. The new Yahoo Logo design has no gradients and has no shadows if you observe the logo closely. This is done to bring it at par with the retina display technology that will be used in the upcoming designed products.

Tech Crunch Changes its Overall Design:

When the public thought they had seen enough of the ‘flat’ era of technology, Techcrunch said ‘it’s just the start’, well they did not actually said that they showed it with their actions when they changed their website for the better. The old website was taking almost 15 seconds while the new website not only loads quickly but is responsive and can work on almost all smart devices and platforms.

Apple is still thinking:

We do not know about others, but Apple is still thinking, change, or not to change. News is circulating that Apple will also be changing its logo design from Icy Apple gradient logo to a flat logo design soon. Let’s see if it adds to the hype.

Why Flat Design?

Yes, we may have forgotten to tell you about ‘Flat’. It is a term that is being used for the tablet PCs, newly emerging devices and platforms that are going to have the following variables. As the future devices are going to be tablets we have made a list of variables that are leading to flat designs.


These devices are trendy. A flat design was the one that was the most talked trend in technological designs. If we take a look at the best designs of 2012 we can see that most of the selected designs were of flat devices.


If we say that they are the need of the future than that will be wrong. However, they are becoming a necessity with the expanding technologies and the ways to control and implement them. Flat term brings us face to face with the flat screens that we can use instead of walls, tables, windows and the possibilities are much more and some of them are not even imagined yet.


‘Flat design’ is either in x axis or a y axis. Means, the term lead to the development of a product that can work on the principles of one axis product. Graphene is one such material that was recently discovered and the uses of such material if implemented for our use can make our life simple.

So folks do you think it is the start of a new Era of technology that we can call much more than ‘flat’? If we take the recent designs by high tech designers or look at the products that are made in the recent years we will see a consistency in all of them. This consistency is the ‘flat’ base in most of them. Check it for yourself and you might know what we talked about.

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