Tuesday 5 November 2013

Why You Should Write a 300 Word Blog Daily?

300 words blog postYesterday I attended a session on social media and blogging that was supervised by Hammad Siddiqui. The event went quite well and I learned a lot. But the main thing that I learned and I am going to point out here is ‘consistency in writing can lead to specialization’. This means, more frequently you write on a topic more expertise you gain on that topic.

Below are a few points that PointRaiser has collected related to the topic that tells why it’s better to write a single blog daily that is of 300 words.

1.     Your Expertise On Your Niche Will Improve:

Well this fact is somewhat obvious; writing frequently leads to production of better write-ups. But when you start blogging, you select a niche and you post on topics that are related to that niche. When you start posting on a niche your expertise on that niche increases and if you are consistent in your writing, after some years you become a Guru.

We have many examples in front of us like Darren Rowse, Hassam Ahmed Awan, Hammad Siddiqui himself and many others.

2.     Search Engines Will Index Your Blog Daily:

Google, Bing and Yahoo are thirsty for new content. Now, writing a single content in different ways is one thing and creatively producing diverse content is another.

So, if you produce a unique piece of article, blog post or even a video post try to make it different from what others post. Search engines bring those posts to higher rankings that have quality content and are matchless.

3.     New Content Is The Key To Engage Visitors:

As we have already said above that unique content is the key to better rankings. It also is the key to engage visitors to your website. On internet, there are two major sources of visitors; Organic visitors by search engines, Returning visitors of the website. So, two engage the latter on your website post at least a 300 words blog daily.

4.     More Visitors Means More Money:

You might have already guessed this one by its title. But those who have not guessed it yet read on… Content producing websites like blogs, video logs, weblogs and audio blogs all earn money by displaying ads. There are many ad networks available like Google Adsense, Buysellads and more. You can read more on them by looking them up in search engines.

So folks have you understood the rewards of writing a blog daily? 

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