Thursday 7 November 2013

Hootsuite – Social Media Dashboard

hootsuite iconI assume most of you have more than one social media account, everybody has. But do you remember the passwords of all those social media accounts that you have? Well, many have answered this question in a negative.

We humans have a tendency to forget details quite soon. That is why Ryan Holmes thought for a social media dashboard that could keep track of our social media accounts. This social media dashboard is named as Hootsuite.

Hootsuite – A review

Hootsuite is a social media dashboard website developed and launched in 2008 by Ryan holmes. It has 7 million active users from 175 countries.

The social media dashboard doesn’t simply keep our passwords on its database. It acts as a utility that abridges us to our social media accounts with the help of an application.

Currently seven social media websites are accessible by Hootsuite that include Facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+, Myspace, Foursquare and wordpress. The administration of this social media dashboard is trying to link more social media websites so users can manage all those accounts from one place.

However using hootsuite’s application directory users can add more social media accounts to their social media dashboard like Youtube, Vimeo and Tumblr.

Social media dashboard management Plans:

The website features three different social media management plans for users to select from. Basic plan is used by most users as it has option of five accounts management and most people use less than five social media websites on a regular basis.

Reporting daily stats:

One of the noteworthy features of Hootsuite is that it tracks and sends a statistics report to users on a daily basis. But this report is only sent to those users who are regular users of the social media dashboard website. Both free and paid users can take advantage of this feature.

social media dashboard

Vital for Bloggers and Journalists:

Hootsuite as a social media dashboard website is getting popular among bloggers, SEO’s, journalists, business organizations and businesses persons because of its easy to understand management tools and utilities. These tools and utilities allow users to send one message to all their accounts at once without going through the burdensome task of logging in to all accounts and posting that message one by one. However, if the users want they can also send the message to a selected account only.

Scheduling social media activities:

Another important aspect of Hootsuite is the element of scheduling. The scheduling function acts just like the event manager acts in windows. It allows users to form a message, tweet or a wall post and send it to their accounts at a time of their own choice.

social media dashboard schedule

Vulnerability in Social Media Dashboard:

A weakness that can be observed in the Hootsuite social media dashboard is that it keeps data of all social media accounts. That is an upbeat, though, in the wrong hands it will turn into a downbeat.

So, as a way out keep hootsuite account linked with mobile devices. The more security measures you take the more difficult it will become for hackers to hack your social media dashboard.

Do you remember the passwords of all the social media accounts that you have?

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