Friday 8 November 2013

Why You Need To Be On LinkedIn? (8 Benefits of LinkedIn)

LinkedinIf you are looking for a job or you are just trying to make contacts with people who you feel should be connected to you, LinkedIn is the platform for you. You might have noticed in ‘LinkedIn’ word that it says link with in. And that is what Linked in do for all of us.

Started as an Online CV company LinkedIn today has become a powerful social media platform with professional people from around the globe using it. According to an estimate from Wikipedia LinkedIn has more than 259 million users from 200 countries and more are joining it every day.

Moreover, the LinkedIn website is translated in 20 different languages and provides many opportunities to its users from all phases of life.

As a new user I explored the social media platform and found many benefits of linkedin for me related to jobs, professionalism, journalism and blogging.

Find Employees and Get Hired:

LinkedIn is the only platform available right now that can help companies and employees all together. Employees can search for different companies that are verified by LinkedIn and can apply on the job openings available. Moreover, companies can directly offer potential employees of different companies, jobs with higher pays, using any means they choose on the platform.

find people on linkedin

Speak for Yourself:

When you open LinkedIn you get a CV type account that asks you couple of things like telling your experiences, education, summary and things you can best do. There are many success stories rotating in the social circles that those people who filled them with best lines are enjoying respectable positions in many well-liked companies.

Make Contacts:

Like every other social platform LinkedIn provides you ways to make more contacts. But the best part that I liked about LinkedIn is that you can easily recognize fake ids from actual ids because of the CV like data structure of different accounts.

Get Recommended:

One of the exceptional features that employers like in LinkedIn is the recommendation button. Employees, employers and even those who are not looking for a job can categorize their skills, and their contacts who think they are good at those skills recommend them.

endorse on linkedin

Linked In for Journalist and Bloggers:

All social media services have something different to offer and all are special in their ways, just like that the benefits of LinkedIn that will be preferred more by bloggers and journalists.

Find authentic resources:

Journalists are always seeking the truth in a news story and LinkedIn is one such way to provide them with that. They can find people who are related to the incident, organization or institution whose story they are filing and can get tons of sources on LinkedIn. A well liked way about LinkedIn is that it provides authentic information about the companies and if the information is not authentic journalists can verify it by their contacts.

Find Company Information:

Most companies that do not have a social media presence or a website still are listed on LinkedIn. This might come as a surprise to some but due to the prominence and benefits of linkedin in the professional fields companies find it suitable for them. Commerce bloggers and journalists who cannot find company information from anywhere else can easily get it from LinkedIn.
find company information linkedin

Pick up News Stories:

A reporter using LinkedIn found on the social network site that a company had posted 70 job requests on the network all at once. He picked that up as a clue and filed a story related to lack of employment attraction on that company. See, if you have news sense you can find stories on this social media network as well.

To sum up the benefits of LinkedIn we can say, LinkedIn provides a professional way to connect with people and get hired. Moreover, it provides us with opportunities like finding authentic sources, searching for company data and pick up stories related to Multinationals, business and commerce.

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