Thursday 5 December 2013

Twenty Fourteen Theme - A Review

Twenty Fourteen Theme Pointraiser.comWordpress is one such platform that changes the default wordpress theme every year. Twenty Thirteen theme was the default theme of  2013 and it is being said that Twenty Fourteen theme by Lance Willet is going to be the theme of 2014.

Only a couple of days have left for the starting of new year. So, I thought to test this new theme. After all this default theme will be becoming the basis for tweaks and development of all new websites that use wordpress. Though I am not a professional developer or a blogger but a user of wordpress. So the review will be about how individuals will find this theme.


The design of twenty fourteen theme is sleek and much simpler in comparison with the twenty thirteen theme. In twenty thirteen theme wordpress showed the default theme as bold, big and humongous. For twenty fourteen they have changed all that. Much of this is done keeping in mind the new technology like smart phones and tablets which were not that widely used in the start of 2013.


I have not started tempering with the code until now but did take a peek in the editor menu. The theme is pretty simple and even the beginners can use it to customize their own websites. Users can also paste their own logo at the top or they can replace the text with the logo if they want.

Moreover, colors can easily be changed with a child theme for twenty fourteen theme. Those who find it difficult can easily get help from wordpress forums.


I personally like twenty fourteen theme much more than the twenty thirteen theme because it is made specifically for bloggers. Unlike the bold headings in twenty thirteen theme the headings do not take that much space. Breathing space is provided at both sides of the blog roll.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="482"]Twenty Fourteen Theme Easy to Customize the Menus[/caption]

Widgets Placement:

In twenty thirteen theme users had only two options that were to place widget at the bottom or on the side. However, in twenty fourteen users have the freedom of three widgets. They can either use two if they want, and if they do use only two the blog roll will automatically adjust it self (do try that). Fonts and colors are mature and any professional blogger can start with a basic theme without the need to customize.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"]Twenty Fourteen Theme Three Widget Menus for Ad lovers[/caption]


The theme displays beautifully on all platforms including mobile devices and tablets. Menus can be added on side or on the top as users want them.

Featured Content:

Unlike other themes twenty fourteen theme features posts that users want to place in front. Users can do that by sticking the post to the front page. Atmost six posts can be sticked at a time. This in built feature brings this theme at par with premium themes.

[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500"]Twenty Fourteen Theme Featured Content makes it Premium[/caption]


  • Simple

  • Easy to Use

  • Mature Colors

  • Professional Design

  • Magazine

  • Three Widgets - Good for Ads

Total: 4/5

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