Thursday 5 December 2013

How BloggingEhow became a Reality?

bloggingehow interview“The day politicians blocked Youtube in Pakistan is the day I decided to build an empire that can’t be shut down by political upsets. I immediately signed up for account and started working on a blog.” That is how Hassam Ahmad Awan established his blogging empire known to us as BloggingEhow.

Most of us who browse internet on a daily basis must have seen on google search while looking for some answers. Some might have even visited that website. Bloggingehow is a website that provides tutorials on how one can setup his own blog or a website online and explore the opportunities provided in this virtual world.

The best part that made us interview Hassam Ahmad Awan was because of his ‘six figure’ income. Yes, the person from Bahria Town Islamabad has the potential to earn much more than we make in office on a regular basis. Check out the questions that were asked from Hassam and how He openly explained them.

Point Raiser: You were inspired by Darren Rowse and you have adopted Blogging as a profession. What is the main topic of your blog and why you like that topic?

Hassam Ahmad Awan: We all have tons of inspirational personalities around us. However, I believe it is actually you, who is motivated within yourself to absorb those inspirations and mark your way towards success.

Darren Rowse made me learn the technical sides of the Blogging industry and specifically what strings to pull when it comes to gaining success in the shortest time span.

Another personality that inspired me a lot was Arnold Schwarzenegger. He made me believe in picturing my future.  As I am a bodybuilding addict for two years now, I learned how to foresee my goals being accomplished.

I always wanted to make a website of my own as it fascinated me a lot, that how easily one can reach a whole lot of audience just by sitting in his couch. BloggingeHow was established with the same reason. To let people know how many ventures await them in their online exploration. Later, Bloggingehow started covering more categories such as social media, Affiliate Marketing and

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