Friday 14 March 2014

Civilian Drones: A new beginning for UAVs

A wave is in the air about the legality of civilian drones. Most people are saying that civilian drones should be legal; however, legal authorities think they should be controlled through a license.

By definition, Civilian drones are commercial drones that are available for the public. This means people who like to have their own flying robots can use them without hindrance. These small drones can be used in many ways including taking aerial photographs, pick and drop of products – that amazon is starting – and much more. We will talk about the possibilities below.


[caption id="attachment_816" align="aligncenter" width="665"]Civilian drone flying inside a building - IntelFreePress, Flickr Civilian drone flying inside a building - IntelFreePress, Flickr[/caption]


Commercial drones are ranging between 500$ to 10000$. Some are more expensive because of their equipment and while some are less expensive. However, around 150 companies are working on unmanned aerial vehicles to bring the price down for the masses.

[caption id="attachment_813" align="aligncenter" width="665"]Civilian drone while in air - Don McCullough, Flickr Civilian drone while in air - Don McCullough, Flickr[/caption]


In comparison with military drone, the commercial drone market is a new area. Currently, it is in the gray because legal authorities do not know how public will use them. Surveillance or tracking cannot be ruled out either. However, with strict controls it can be monitored.

Some of the possibilities through drones are:

Aerial Photography:

Enthusiasts who like aerial photography will like to have one piece for themselves. As aerial photography with drones is not only easy but also helps with aerial shots of dangerous places.

Media Coverage:

Journalists will be very happy with this new technology. Well, they do used to cover everything even without drones but these special aircrafts - that are easily within reach – will grant them the right to use these civilian drones to make videos of everyone they find suitable for their airtime. (Talk about the media ethics!)

Pick and Drop:

As amazon is trying, so can all commercial outlets. Recently a pizza was delivered by drone in the United Kingdom. The pick and drop service brings us to the use of drones in search-rescue-relief exercises.

[caption id="attachment_815" align="aligncenter" width="665"]Civilian drone transport - Civilian drone transport -[/caption]

Medical use:

There have been many floods, drought and quakes in Pakistan. These drones can be used to drop medicines to the people who need them. Nevertheless, the possibility will certainly depend on the range of drones.  Moreover, these drones can be used to transport medicines to those areas that have an epidemic disease.


United States of America USA is having a debate after federal aviation authority fined a person for recklessly flying a UAV in a university premises with 10000$. However, the ruling was out do by a judge saying FAA does not possess the right to make such kind of calls. Now the judges are calling for a UAV license so they can keep the drones with in check.

[caption id="attachment_814" align="aligncenter" width="665"]Civilian drone in an open area - Michael Khor, Flickr Civilian drone in an open area - Michael Khor, Flickr[/caption]

In Pakistan, however the case is different. People and law enforcement agencies are very much afraid of this drone technology due to heavy use of drones in tribal areas by USA. Remote planes can be flown in open spaces where they don’t irritate or hurt others. However, civilian drones have camera installed in them and are potential threat to sensitive installments in wake of terrorism.

It is best to take in account the ruling of a court or to search for laws before one goes out flying his drone in any country.

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