Sunday 16 March 2014

Eight facts to ease up Malaysian airline Investigation

Malaysian airline MH370 that was lost from radar a week back is still missing and no country has been successful in finding it until now. The Malaysian airline is said to have lost contact with the ground tower at around one o clock early morning. From then on, many assumptions have been made some are saying that the flight deviated from the path some are saying it as a terrorist activity while other think it is some sort of controversy related to Bermuda triangle.

So let us get the things straight.

Mobile phones were ringing

One thing is a fact and that is the mobile phones rang for a long time after the flight disappeared. This means the mobile phones were switched on. Therefore, what the mobile companies can do is to search the location of the phones and tell it to the government or any military.

Mobile phones have GPS

All mobile phone devices have GPS now. It is possible that some of the people on the phone were also having phones that can transmit data even after the phones battery drains down. Therefore, mobile manufacturing companies can ask for the IMEI numbers and can locate them and pass on the data to the concerned authorities.

Black box can disseminate location data

Black box can withstand around 1400 degrees temperature and a bomb blast. It also has the capacity to propagate location information to the Boeing Company. As the plane was a Boeing jet, so the company can find the jet through black box.

Malaysian airline may want to keep its record clean

Malaysian airline has a very clean record from 1995. It is assumed that the Malaysian airline wants to keep its record clean and do not want to take the burden of a plane crash on its ledger.

If plane was hijacked ransom would have been demanded

US Navy 090309-N-9573A-011 Cpl. Ian MacDonald, from the Fleet Anti-terrorism Security Team Pacific (FASTPAC), holds a simulated aggressor who broke through the perimeter breech of the base fence line as Republic of Korea media

We can easily put the theory away as eight days have passed. If someone had hijacked they would have told the authorities the next day and would have asked for some kind of ransom. Here the situation is very different. Around 12 countries are searching for the plane and many are alleged to have been involved in terrorist activity but they are denying. Therefore, this fact can be kept away.

Aircraft may be in India with 5 hours of flying

Another fact that the aircraft may be in India is also thought provoking. However, one should ask why the plane went to India. The Malaysian minister is saying that the plane diverted towards Indian Ocean in between Vietnam and Malaysia. Here is a possibility that the plane may have crashed near India and it is difficult to find it due to forests near the ocean.

Bermuda triangle is not in Indian ocean

Bermuda triangle is not in Indian ocean it is in Atlantic ocean and the plane was not fueled enough to go to Bermuda triangle so it is impossible that the plane is in Bermuda triangle or anything like that of Bermuda triangle happened to it.

Last signal near Andaman Islands


The authorities need to search near the Andaman Islands because military radar picked the signal after two hours near the Andaman Islands. They allege it is from the missing plane. Thus the authorities should start search in the Indian ocean instead of South China sea.

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